Sunday, August 5, 2012


So last night when I was in a meeting with other members of the conference planning board we realized there was a problem. There is no word that describes East Asian people that just flows in a saying or phrase. (We were trying to fix our mission statement to be more accurate without having it sound so wordy.)

Most of the time when a person says Asian they automatically assume South East Asian. This is a problem because Asia encompass the middle east and Russia and not just yellow people. White people have Caucasian. Black people have Black. I don't want to identify as a yellow person... (don't get me started)

So I realized what we needed was a word that could describe us "yellow" people. Just like how Huey Newton wanted people to stop using the word negro/nigger because it no longer made sense, I believe that we should stop using the word Asian to describe South East Asian people.

When I came to this realization I was inspired to create a new word that could describe "yellow" people. Oriental was not an option because that is also politically incorrect. (look it up). So I combined the two and created the word Oasian, or as Roger aptly put it, "Owasian". I think this could be a new thing.

We could start the Oasian movement. We could create an Organization that is established to further the advancement of the Oasian people. I am an Oasian person. Oasian Panthers. Oasian pride. etc.

So a possible new word? :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012


So I have already failed blogging everyday. :) I just had a final for my Information Sciences class and with my internship and conference planning I have not given time to blogging. (more time to LOL) However now that I am finished with my class a lot of my time was freed up.

I am now transitioning into finding an internship for the fall. If I can find something that involves HR I would be elated. I'm working right after college and then from there I might apply for Graduate school. Going for an MBA without working experience is really hard to pull off. Besides I think a break from school would be nice. :P

There is only one month left of summer. I'm going to make the best of it and try to finish my goal of getting down to 10% body fat. I'm pretty sure I'm around 13-14%. Thats a good 10 lb I need to lose. At the beginning of summer I weighed around 168-170. I now currently weigh around 155!

Anyway my internship is dying down. I am excited to find a new one for fall. Also, planning for the Conference is getting tight. Crunch time...