Sunday, July 29, 2012


Tonight we finally finished a huge chunk of our planning and we finally picked a temporary slogan. This slogan for our iDEAS conference is just so perfect. It sounds and looks really good. However there is a worry that the lower case i is trademarked by Apple and we can't actually use it. Even the conference name iDEAS is a concern. Hopefully our effort will not be in vane.

So I missed the opening ceremonies last night, cause I was cleaning the apartment. I think the last time I really cleaned was in June. We have two big black trash bags pretty much filled. Also when I was washing the dishes there was a stank that could have knocked me out if I hadn't held my breath. It was like breathing in the fumes from a Chinese bathroom. Trust me, those bathrooms are deathly.

Today was a good day. I was able to catch up with Alex and Darren who came back from IVLI. They were able to share with me some interesting stories of what they did and experienced. I really enjoyed my time with them and am really looking forward to serving with them in AIV this upcoming year.

I really want to start to learn how to KRUMP. I know this might seem random but I assure you that KRUMP is not random. KRUMP is an acronym which stands for KINGDOM RADICALLY UPLIFTING MIGHTY PRAISE. It was started by Tight eyez in a movement of body praise to Yahweh. I think this type of dance would be really edifying and another great way to experience something spiritual.


Friday, July 27, 2012

Everyday I'm Blogging

So I was reading a friends blog and her first post was about blogging everyday. She heard Seth Gordon say, "Start a blog. Blog everyday. Put your work in writing. Even if no one reads it. If your work is not worth blogging, find new work."

This is a very interesting philosophy that I would like to try and incorporate. It also helps me stay focused on my work while letting me "waste" time on my blog. Interestingly ever since I started this blog I have been much more productive. Kinda like how the Knicks began winning when they gave Jeremy Lin time on the court. On a side note, I really want a Jlin Houston Jersey.

In other news, I'm super psyched about the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. I still remember the epicness of the opening ceremonies in China. I'm excited because Oscar award winning director Danny Boyle (The guy who directed Slumdog Millionaire) is running the show. I'll be super disappointed if he doesn't incorporate the Harry Potter series somehow. Not incorporating harry potter is like having a pencil without the lead, pointless.

IV Staff

So I had never given IV staff a serious thought before this year as a profession. Even when I think of becoming an IV staff I don't feel any passion or excitement. However, I do believe in the vision that InterVarsity pushes forth. The first thought that comes to mind when I think IV staff is fundraising. Fundraising is probably the most apparent way to make money as a full time college minister.

Normally, when I think of a job, I think of a job that requires a person to make transactions with customers (generally a product or service). Asking for donations to make income is something that I think is overlooked  and looked down upon by Asian culture. My Asian parents have this stigma of even borrowing money from a friend. I think that the dependence on oneself for provision is very key in Asian culture and fundraising for money is completely counter cultural.

However, my Japanese friend that introduced me to a college fellowship (ACF) my sophomore year just decided to become a missionary and joined the InterVarsity Staff this year. He is looking for potential supporters to pray for him and/or support him financially. His name is Ken Nakajima and is a recent graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He is definitely pushing the boundaries of what is expected of Asian children. He is creating a new culture though his actions and even though he is facing a difficult time he places his trust in God. I believe that donating to his ministry is important and is something that I can do, however I think that what is more important is the ability to get others to donate to his ministry.

I support Ken and am even considering going on staff with IV for a couple of years. Who knows where I will go or where I'll be in the future. :)

This link will also provide more details on his ministry (

You can reach him at or 724-809-1675.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

iDEAS Conference

So I had to come up with a slogan for the iDEAS conference. I thought that these were pretty creative.




4) Bridging the east and west

5) Crossing cultures

I need to brainstorm more!

6:14 AM

I can't believe I am still up at this hour. I think that Starbucks coffee really did a number on my sleep schedule. I'm definitely going to crash soon but I just wanted to post that I have finally started a blog that I have decided to commit to.