Friday, July 27, 2012

IV Staff

So I had never given IV staff a serious thought before this year as a profession. Even when I think of becoming an IV staff I don't feel any passion or excitement. However, I do believe in the vision that InterVarsity pushes forth. The first thought that comes to mind when I think IV staff is fundraising. Fundraising is probably the most apparent way to make money as a full time college minister.

Normally, when I think of a job, I think of a job that requires a person to make transactions with customers (generally a product or service). Asking for donations to make income is something that I think is overlooked  and looked down upon by Asian culture. My Asian parents have this stigma of even borrowing money from a friend. I think that the dependence on oneself for provision is very key in Asian culture and fundraising for money is completely counter cultural.

However, my Japanese friend that introduced me to a college fellowship (ACF) my sophomore year just decided to become a missionary and joined the InterVarsity Staff this year. He is looking for potential supporters to pray for him and/or support him financially. His name is Ken Nakajima and is a recent graduate of the University of Pittsburgh. He is definitely pushing the boundaries of what is expected of Asian children. He is creating a new culture though his actions and even though he is facing a difficult time he places his trust in God. I believe that donating to his ministry is important and is something that I can do, however I think that what is more important is the ability to get others to donate to his ministry.

I support Ken and am even considering going on staff with IV for a couple of years. Who knows where I will go or where I'll be in the future. :)

This link will also provide more details on his ministry (

You can reach him at or 724-809-1675.

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